Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Winter Tree Work

The BHCC grounds crew has been keeping very busy during the winter months. Our goal has always been to provide our members with healthy turf and ultimately a well manicured playing surface. We were able to take significant strides this winter by improving the quality of both our Zoysia fairways and Fescue rough by spending time on our trees. Our first step was to remove dead limbs and thin out all of the trees on the front nine. This process took a couple of months, but it was well worth the agronomic benefits. By removing dead limbs, we are not only encouraging healthy new growth, we are also allowing more air flow and sunlight to penetrate to the turfgrass below. This will inevitably create a healthy turf stand, allowing it to become more dense and retain natural nutrients.The following pictures were taken before and after the process on hole #6.

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