Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Verti-cutting Fairways

As some of you may have noticed, the back nine fairways have several slits cutting into the ground. This is the result of verti-cutting. By verti-cutting we are helping the soil surface maintain a suitable thatch level. Throughout the year thatch builds up just below the surface of the grass. This thatch layer restricts root growth and water penetration, both of which are valuable assets when it comes to healthy turf. By verti-cutting, we are simply slicing through the top layer and removing some of the thatch. Once the thatch is removed from the soil we remove the thatch debris. You can see all of the build up we removed displayed in the first picture of #14 Fairway.  This practice allows for easy water penetration into
the subsurface and allow the roots to grow advantageously,
just like nature intended.

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